Academic achievements

At Midream Japanese Language school more than 90% of international students move on to Graduate College and Universities or Vocational Schools every year. Particularly from 2014 due to rapid increase of students, it is being difficult to enter Graduate Schools and Universities or Vocational Schools. So from now on one should determine destination and prepare from early stage to compete.

Under the long term planning guidance not only EJU & JLPT preparation classes but also participating in open campus, School briefing etc and preparation for entrace examinations are conducted.

National and Public Graduate university

Tokyo University Kyoto University Hitotsubashi University
Tokyo Institute of Technology university Ochanomizu University Graduate School Hokkaido University
Saitama University Yokohama National University Tsukuba University

Private Graduate Universities

Keio University Waseda University Sophia University
Tokyo University Of Science Meiji University Aoyama Gakuin University
Ritsumeikan University Gakushuin University Chuo University

Art Graduate University

Tokyo University of Arts Tama Art University Musashino Art University
Tokyo Zokei University Women's Art University Nihon University
Tokyo Polytechnic University Graduate School Kyoto Seika University Kyoto Seika University

National and Public university

kyoto University Tokyo Institute of Technology Kyushu University
Nagoya University Hokkaido University Kobe University
Akita University Tsuru Bunka University Otaru University of Commerce

Private Universities

Keio University Waseda University Sophia University
Tokyo University of Science Meiji University Gakushuin University
Aoyama Gakuin University Hosei University Chuo University

Art university

Tama Art University Musashino Art University Tokyo Zokei University
Women's Art University Nihon University Tokyo Polytechnic University
Kyoto Seika University Kyoto University of Arts and Design Osaka University of Arts

Vocational College

IT.Anime.Web Design Nihonn Kogakuin College Nihon Electronics College Technical College of HAL TOKYO
Tokyo Design Technology College Tokyo Anime / Voice Actor College Nihon International IT College
Vocational College Digital Ats College Tokyo IT Accounting College Seifu College of Information
Broadcast & Sound Toho Academy Acoustic CollegeTokyo School of Music & Dance College
Fashion Design Tokyo Designer GakuinTokyo Mode CollegeHiko Mizuno Jewelry College
Bunka Fashion College
Makeup & Beauty Tokyo Mode College
Cooking ,Baking & Confectionery Tsuji Confectionery College Tokyo Sushi Japanese Cooking College Japanese Confectionery College
Business Tokyo Commercial Law College Tokyo International Business College Sundai Electronic Information & Business College
Sundai Legal Economics & Business CollegeInternational School of Business Vocational College Tokyo IT Accounting College
Ohara Gakuen Ohara Bookkeeping School Tokyo Business Foreign Language College International Dual Business College
Sinjuku Information Business College Sundai Foreign Language & Business College Tokyo Accounting College
Interpretation & Translation Japan Foreign Language CollegeShurin Foreign Language CollegeGreg Foreign Language College
Shibuya Foreign Language College
Tourism & Hotel JTB Travel & Hotel College Japan Hotel School
Art and Interior DesignTokyo Communication Arts College Japan Photography Arts College Nippon Design College
Aoyama Technical College Musashino College of ArtsAsagaya Gakuen Art Masters School
Toyo Art College Yamawaki Art College Tokyo Design College
Industrial & Mechanical Yomiuri Automobile Technical College Tokyo Institute of Technology,Nakano College

Some other Colleges